Thursday, April 4, 2013

Movie of the Week Review: 27 Dresses

Hello loves!

Oh look, Abby remembered how to write.
Yes, yes, I know. I haven't written since February. And I could give you a crap load of excuses but I'm even too lazy to do that.

So, I've decided to start reviewing my "Movie of the Week" on here, and if you're from my page (which most of you all are) you'll probably know what I'm talking about. Either you send in suggestions or I choose myself a movie to watch for the week and do stuff based on it on my pages and such. My original plan for this week was to have "The Incredibles" as my movie of the week, but then I watched "27 Dresses" for the first time and I was all like "Nope. Not gonna do The Incredibles, this movie is too perfect"

It seriously is though. And I don't usually like chick-flicks! But this movie almost perfectly describes what seems like the "forever alone" girl. She fawns over a person who constantly takes advantage of her and treats her as his maid almost. And then, a beautiful blonde (no offence blondes, but guys just really love you and sometimes it's not fair to us brunettes and red heads) sweeps in right as she's about to tell this guy, George, who also happens to be her boss, she loves him. And that blonde steels George away from her. The blonde also happens to be her younger sister. I cannot describe to you how angry I was at her sister. (I got very emotionally attached to this movie, alright?)
The sister, Tess, completely lies to George, telling him she's a vegetarian and an 
animal lover and loves the out doors and all this other stuff, which is the complete opposite of the truth. Of course, my reaction was pretty much this through out the whole movie:
And then there was this guy Kevin. Obviously, Kevin and Jane are going to get together. Anyone who has seen a single chick-flick realizes this and this doesn't come as any surprise. It's just always the suspense of when it's going to happen that I love. But even though I most definitely shipped Kevin and Jane together and was just sitting there like: 



Then, to top it all off, Tess steals Jane's dream wedding by "recreating" their parents wedding and taking their late mother's wedding dress. Instead of just wearing their mother's dress, though, Tess freaking cuts. the. dress. up. so she can add it to the dress she wants. 
My reaction precisely:
And then:

I mean really. And then Jane goes off on her and I was just like: YOU GO GIRL. YOU TELL HER WHAT'S UP.
She ended up breaking George and Tess up and the whole time I was just sitting there applauding her. And then she quit working for George. 
By this time, my feminist side was going crazy.
And while she was in the middle of her quitting speach and saying how mad she was about Tess stealing George from her because she was in love with him George just like grabs her and starts making out with her. My brain was going crazy. I was like YOU JUST FREAKING BROKE OFF YOUR ENGAGEMENT TO HER SISTER LESS THAN TWENTY FOUR HOURS AGO. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?
And then of course:

But it all ended okay, even though through out the movie I was angry at Tess for stealing George from Jane yet I still wanted Jane and Kevin to get married.

The struggle with my feels is real.

Thanks for reading, as always! Have a wonderful day, you beautiful person, you.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."

Hello, loves!

"Beauty is only skin deep"
Personally, I find that saying the biggest load of bull crap out there. I believe just the opposite. Beauty, in my eyes, does not reach the skin. You're probably thinking, what in the world are you on about Abby?
I don't think beauty does not reach the skin, because really, who's to say who's beautiful and who's not? How has society decided who is beautiful and who isn't? Media. Media has decided for us. Media has created our celebrities and models so "beautiful" that the "standard of beauty" is practically impossible to replicate. Why do they do this? It's really a simple solution:
You see, if they make models look so incredibly "flawless" in photos, the public will buy products that will try make it so we can try to reach their levels of beauty. The thing is, it's impossible. Not even the models themselves are as flawless as their pictures! Why? Because professionals go in and remove every blemish and once of fat on them. These photo shoppers make the models skinnier, they make it so the models' hair is pristine, so not a hair is out of place. They remove wrinkles, they remove body hair, they make them tanner, they do anything they can do so these models look "perfect".
But when did someone decide that skinny, tan, and tall are the standard of beautiful? In third world countries, if you're "fat" you're beautiful. Why? Because it means you have money and can afford food. But who's to say that's really "beautiful" too? 
You see, there is no pure definition of what someone considers outward beauty or not, because everyone has different opinions on what they find attractive. 
So, girls, before you cover your faces in make up and dye your hair and wear revealing clothes and throw up your dinner, and guys, before you go to the gym and work out for three hours and drink enormous amounts of protein shakes, think about that. Someone will find you beautiful and handsome and attractive just the way you are. There is no reason for us to give up our health for outward "beauty" when beauty is undefinable. As long as you are a beautiful person one the inside, it doesn't matter what you look like. (Of course, I'm not saying that you should completely disown living healthy, please don't do that. I'm also not saying it's bad to wear make up or dye your hair, because I do both those things. But you should do them for the right reason. I dye my hair because it's something fun I do with my friends and I think I look  a lot better with red hair than brown hair, I could care less what others think. And I wear make up because one feature I really love about myself is my eyes and I like to extenuate them. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't think we should do those types of things because we want everyone else to think we're "beautiful" though, because everyone has a different opinion and everyone will feel differently towards you. In all honesty, you're going to find people think you look absolutely horrendous. The same thing will happen to me, and everyone else in the world. But I can guarantee you will find someone who will see you and think "This person is an incredibly beautiful person.")
I feel like this is such an important message that needs to be spread to everyone, and it's not something people talk about very often.
Thanks for reading everyone, and remember:
"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."




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Friday, February 22, 2013

Sign language, cheese cake, Bruno Mars and more!

Hello, loves!

I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to write anymore the rest of this week, considering I will probably only write on weekdays and I wasn't sure if I would have anything to say.
However, I received a comment from someone telling me to keep writing because they loved my writing (made my day by the way, so thank you!). So today, I'll just tell you what's been going on the past two days!
Wednesday night, I was at church and my friend told me about how she learned the chorus to "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" by Taylor Swift in ASL (American Sign Language). She taught me it, and because the chorus and basically the same thing over and over again, I picked it up pretty quickly (I think just about anybody can pick up two sentences pretty easily though...). So, naturally, being the over-achiever-in-things-that-don't-actually-help-me-in-anyway that I am, I had to learn the whole song. So when I got home from school at noon yesterday, instead doing my online assignments, I spent about an hour and a half learning the song. I can't do it all with the lyrics yet, because it's so fast, but I can do a lot of it. Even though I know I will probably never need to sign that song to anyone (considering I'll be getting a cat instead of a husband until I'm like 30), it was still a lot of fun to learn. So now I've been obsessed with sign language. I'm on this kick with it, so I downloaded every (free) app with sign language tools. (I don't really know how those are going to help me though, because they're all like "Baby's First Signs!". But hey, ain't nobody got money for apps!) Then, I was like "Yeah! I'm gonna take a sign language class in college (Uni for my European friends out there) and then I'll be able to speak English, French, and Sign Language!". I know this isn't going to happen. I'm going to keep learning songs, though, until I get bored with it!

I've also recently got obsessed with Bruno Mars and drinking things out of a mug. Specifically "When I Was Your Man" (the next song I want to learn in ASL) and "Natalie". I think he sounds a lot like Michael Jackson in "When I Was Your Man" and I think "Natalie" sounds similar to "Valerie" by Amy Winehouse (obviously not his voice, I just think they have similar tunes). As for the mug thing, I don't know why, maybe it's my obsession with British people and the UK, but I've just put everything in my Tinker Bell mug. Maybe it's the mug itself. I'm in love with the mug, I wanted it for over a year before I actually got it, I had to buy it at Disney and didn't get to go back and get it from the first time until a year later. It's a huge mug too, so when I poor my soda into it, it looks like nothing and I drink it really fast. Then I have to get two sodas. Diabetes here I come!

On another note, I wore a dress to school today! Why is this important in any way, you ask? I've worn a dress to school a total of four times (not including today). Three times in the fifth grade because twice I was receiving awards and had to dress up all fancy, and once for our fifth grade banquet (this is year six for the Brits). The fourth time was for my eighth grade (year nine) banquet. Why did you wear a dress today then Abby? I will tell you why. My original plan had been to wear my normal, typical ensemble on Valentines day and then wear a dress the next day to throw everyone off. Unfortunately, to my disappointment, it was way too cold to wear a dress on February 15th, so that wasn't happening. Today though, a man was coming to let my choir class know about a fundraiser we're having selling cheese cake. Now, the thing about me, is I'm very much like a guy in the way that "the way to my heart is through my stomach". (Sometimes I feel like a guy with lady parts. Thanks for all my brothers Mom and Dad!) This guy was bringing CHEESE CAKE SAMPLES. I was so excited for today. I had been waiting all week for this guy. I literally got up like 15 minutes earlier than I normally do. I was determined to win this guy over so I could get more cheese cake samples than everyone else. (Is that prostitution? Whoops....) Anyways, I got into the choir room and I was excited. I mean like, jumping around being more hyper than normal excited. HE WASN'T IN THE ROOM WHEN I GOT THERE. My face fell faster than the apple that hit Isaac Newton's head, let me tell you. I was so stinking disappointed. So, blinking through my tears (this is not an exaggeration. I LOVE cake.) I asked my teacher where he was. She was all like "I don't know, he was supposed to be here!". By that time, the tears were about to fall. I had been so excited for it. I even wore a DRESS. Then, she was like "But he could still come!". So naturally, I was back to being excited again. So finally the guy gets there and he handed out the samples after explaining to us how the fundraiser was going to work (the cake was AMAZING by the way) and there was some extra. This was where the dress and winning him over comes in right? Yeah, I thought so, too. I was like "I want some more! Please give me some more. I'll love you forever." AND HE GOES STRAIGHT FOR THE SECOND ROW. I'M IN THE FIRST ROW. HE GAVE SOME TO ALL THE GIRLS IN SHORT SHORTS. I was so upset.

We know what he looks for now, though.
Alright, well I apologize for this incredibly long post. Thanks for reading, have an amazing day, Beautiful!



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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

*Cricket Cricket*

Hello loves! Here's what's on my mind today:

I'm curious as to when suicide became something you could joke about. I mean, when did someone being so unhappy with themselves and their life that they decided to murder themselves become funny? When did death become funny?

Obviously, there's the "funny" deaths in cartoons, where Tom the cat gets flattened by a car. Naturally, in reality, the cat would be dead. This Three Stooges type humor is common and, yes, proceeds with a giggle from my recliner. The thing about this kind of humor in TV and movies and Hollywood productions, is that it's fake. I don't feel guilty laughing about it because I know the actor or actress is fine. (Special effects are just marvelous, don't you agree?)

Of course, there's also the crude-and sometimes legitimately hurtful-humor, where you laugh at someone who has tripped over a dip in the cement for example. When this happens to my friends, I laugh. I laugh when it happens to me! But anytime this happens, the first reaction is not for me to laugh, it's for me to gasp and make sure that person is okay. After I know they're not terribly hurt, I laugh at them (or myself...most of the time it's myself...). 

And then there's always the bullies who tease the "weird kid" and purposely trip them. But I won't rant about bullying today, that will by some other day (and trust me, it will  happen).

The thing that really makes me shake with anger, is when people make jokes about suicide. Whether that's laughing at someone, saying they're "emo" and a "cutter" and saying that these people are going to go home and kill themselves, or holding scissors or knives and saying "I'm gonna kill myself!" in a mocking tone. It's insulting. It's insulting and inconsiderate to both those who suffer with suicidal thoughts and to those with friends and family who are suicidal or have already committed suicide.

Today, at school, a girl took one of the sharp knives in the culinary arts classroom and started have screaming, half laughing, shouting "I can't take it anymore!  I just can't take it anymore!". She carried on like this, with about a 7 inch long knife pressed to her throat.

I didn't find it funny at all. I'm not sure if it's just because I know people who have attempted suicide or are suicidal, but I don't think it really matters. I just don't understand how someone could think that's funny. This is a capitol crime we're talking about here. It'smurder. You don't go running around joking about how you're going to kill someone and go into detail about how you're going to achieve that and expect people to still think you're joking. It just doesn't work like that.

Thanks for listening everyone, I'll talk to you soon.

Suicide isn't funny. Neither are your jokes.


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Erase The Hate, #139755

So last night (February 18th) I had the pleasure and honor of going to hear an Auschwitz survivor speak. He talked about a lot of things that I already knew, based off my own research on the subject, but he also talked about some things I hadn't heard.

If you were in Auschwitz, the average person lost 6-9 1/2 pounds a week. Forget Jenny Craig, if you're looking for a weight loss programme, there you go! But in all seriousness, he said most people survived about 4 months. He survived 17 months. He was absolutely incredible. I bought his CD and two of his wrist bands.

But I didn't decide to write this post so I could give you facts and figures about the Holocaust, if you wanted that you'd read a book or go to Google. The reason I wrote a post about this is because of his message.

The first thing he said when he started speaking (after he introduced himself) was "When you go home, open up your dictionary and look up the word hate. Cross it out. If hate didn't exist, than this would not have happened." 

He couldn't be more right. If we all "erased the hate" out of our lives, this world would be an amazing place to live. Of course, we can't change everyone, but YOU can change. You can change yourself and not hate anyone, and people around you will see that you're a loving person. They'll see how happy you are. Happiness is contagious, and when they see how happy you can be without hate, they'll want to have that too. You can influence change.

This is the bracelet I bought from him, you can order them online, along with his CD at

The other message he had, was never give up hope. He said hope is what saved him. If you don't have hope, what do you have? And he's right. Hope can get you through anything and everything.

"The only thing greater than fear, is hope"
~President Snow, The Hunger Games

Well I'm done rambling for now.  I hope you have a wonderful day and remember: Erase the hate and never lose hope <3


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Let's start at the very beginning...

Hello all!

Oh geez, I hate this font.

Much better. So if you're reading this soon after it was published, you were probably brought here because I begged and pleaded you to come here off my Harry Potter page or admin page. I have decided to start a blog because I figure it's a really good way to get people reading my writing, and eventually maybe earn some income doing something I LOVE doing.

If you didn't already know (or couldn't tell by the title of my blog), my real name is Abby Graves. I'm (currently) 15 and I live in Florida in the US. I would rather be living in the UK, though. I'm a crazy fangirl (Google get your life together, fangirl is a word. Don't argue with me!) and I love all things music, Harry Potter, art, books, TV, movies, and writing. So, with that, it means that this blog will be completely random. I'll probably be posting beginnings of stories I've written and my opinion on movies and shows, and just my ramblings.

I look forward to what I hope is the beginning of a wonderful blog!:D


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